maandag 28 oktober 2013

Aisha North: A History of Creation – Part 6

A History of Creation – Part 6, channeled by Aisha North, October 24, 2013 at
Let us delve further into the mysteries of creation, as this is something we gather you are all more than eager to learn more about. Well, let us just say that there are not many mysteries of this left, however, we would like to give you some “technical” details as it were. You see, the basics have been well described for you already, and as such, you are more than prepared to have a go at this magical feat yourselves, but we do understand the need to learn a little bit more about what is going on.
As you know by now, we talk of the process where a field of possibility becomes energized by consciousness in such a way, in enables manifestation to commence. In other words, to a field of particles, an order is being sent out to gather in such a way something will BECOME, and when it does, it springs forth and starts to interact with the rest of Creation, as no thing can stand alone.
And so too, it is with you, as you are all connected back to this vast field from where you once came, and as such, you are in constant communication with it. So what seems to be a major step for you, is actually no such thing. It simply means that for you to be able to consciously create, all you have to do, is to reopen that old and faithful channel that is already there. For you ARE a part of Creation, at the same time as you are THE Creator, and we know that this duality may seem to be somewhat confusing to a human brain.
Still, this is in fact nothing more complicated than what you are already doing 24/7, every single day. For you ARE, yet you CREATE at an astonishing rate, and as such, you have been doing this for ever, but your creations are about to take an about turn.
For mankind has been busy creating all sorts of things that do not serve them any more, and as such, the need to re-create not only your environment but also yourselves have become a pressing one, and you have been hand picked as the pioneers that will ensure that this process of co-creational forces once more will be used in the way it was intended. Remember, All of Creation is created in order to manifest an aspect of the potential that is within this large field of vibrational energy that awaits commands from consciousness, and as such, all things created carry equal value.
We know this will raise more than a few hackles, but that is in fact the case. So, no light without darkness, no joy without at least a tinge of sadness, and so on. In other words, there must be a balance, and in order to for it be a balance, at times there must be imbalance, chaos if you will, and so a correction will ensue.
Make no mistake, your planet has become impossibly imbalanced for reasons already well known and so, this task of re-balancing has been handed you all on a silver platter. Yes, it is indeed a chore that may seem more than a little daunting, in fact even too overwhelming to even contemplate for many of you. But still, you have been hand picked to undertake this mission from a huge number of entities all vying for the same possibility to come down to this planet and relight the light as it were.
For that is what this is all about, a huge maneuver that will recreate the wonders of this planet by correcting the erroneous imbalance that has accumulated over the years, as the masses of negativity have pushed you all into a dark corner from where you had no chance of ever getting out were it not for outside intervention.
Again this is a topic that will have more than a few voices raised in protest, but for now, let us leave that discussion behind and simply state the obvious: mankind needed help, and so did that wonderful entity you all live upon, your Mother, your cohabitant, the one that was created to become a laboratory for mankind. For that is what this was originally, an incubator that was seeded with the seeds that would in turn create mankind, and then, it was up to mankind to bring themselves further along the creational path by creating themselves and their environs.
But as you all know so well by now, parasitic forces intervened, and toppled the balance in a direction that has been harmful not only for you, but for All there is. And so, outside intervention in the form of a decree was issued, and so it was decided to re-balance what was so wrongfully imbalanced, and this is where you come in to the picture.
For as we have talked about on so many occasions, you are the foot soldiers, the ones that bridge the dimensions. But until recently, you only saw yourselves as humans, as beings bereft of any real powers, forever trapped in this cycle of life and death amongst your brethren here on Earth. But as you awoke to the fact that you are so much more than what your mere human outside should suggest, you are also awakening to the fact that you are here to change what has become and turn it into the brand new.
For status quo is no longer an option for any of you, and together, the push from your creative force will serve to drag the rest of mankind with you in your wake, as you have already started to interact with the magnetics that surround you all. We speak in parables as you see, but that is in fact closer to the truth than you perhaps have envisaged already.
Let us return to that field of opportunity to call it that, the sea of energetic particles that awaits your command. This sea is already being influenced by your ”command”, and these commands are nothing more than intergalactic emissions of information in the form of electromagnetic fields or capsules if you will. Even without you being consciously aware of it, you are already emitting a steady stream of these capsules, all directed to this vast field of creative particles ready to become whatever they are being instructed to BE.
And so, you are already talking to this field, quiet at first, but still in ways that are already having an effect on your surroundings as well as on you directly. For you are setting into action a huge operation that is already becoming visible for us all. Perhaps not for your human eyes directly, but somewhere within you you can already hear the murmurs from this constant traffic to and from your own being and the rest of Creation.
For you have the blueprints well and truly under your skin as it were from before, and as such, you are all well aware just what your role is in this magnificent project. And so, you are already sending out your bits and pieces, or rather, bits and bytes, into the ether, and by that, you are already seeing your part of this plan coming to fruition. And so, rest assured that it is all well on its way, even while you have been more or less feeling as if disconnected from it all, and even more so from yourself.
For as we told you, there is indeed a beehive of activity going on, and your efforts in all of this have not gone unnoticed. And now, you will all start to notice how things will start to change, as your creations will indeed start to come into the open more and more. For you will start to SEE, as you have by now been set up with a whole new set of ”eyes” with which to see them. And do not confuse these ”eyes” with those apertures already in your head, as we talk about sensors of a very different kind than the physical ones you are already using to peruse the scene around you.
Make no mistake, all of your human senses will still play a major part in this, but you will now also incorporate so many other aspects or talents if you will that have now been reopened within you all, and you will use them all in tandem to better be able to read into this brand new world you are already setting up.
For as we said, you are already busy sending out instructions to this huge field of fertile energy, ready and waiting to be set into motion by your intervention in the form of those intelligence capsules that contains the parts of this enormous blueprint. It can be likened to the toys that some of you have build by gluing objects together following a detailed printed instruction.
Well for this, you will all be kept busy producing the individual parts and pieces that go into this huge construction, and as such, it will at times be very difficult for any of you to get a clear image of what ”part” it is you are busy setting into life. So therefore you will at regular intervals be asked to tune into this whole field of activity in a way that will help you to see the ”picture on the box” as it were. In other words, you will be asked to connect to the collective in such way you will be better able to get a detailed image of the completed construction, the end result, the realization of your dream as it were: Mother Earth in all of her splendor, a living, breathing paradise, where you are an important and indeed vital member.
As we were saying, it is so important that you remember to take time to step back a little from this process from time to time in order not to get lost in all of the “nuts” and bolts” as it were that goes into constructing this whole project. For you need to be able to get a good view of it all from the finished perspective. In other words, take time to step back and tune into the ”finished product” as it is already there for you to see if you set your heart to it.
And please try to do so at regular intervals, otherwise you might become as if bogged down by all the intricate parts that is such a bewildering part of this whole process. For it takes a courageous heart to be able to take in this whole process, and as such, we suggest you give yourself ample time to try to SEE what the end result will be like. For it will indeed be just like in your dreams, but even more so, as what you can envisage today is merely a small taste of the real “end product”.
So as you go about creating in your everyday life – for remember, you are creating with every breath you take – try to keep your focus on what is becoming light right in front of you. It will take some time for you all to become aware of it all, so for now, just focus on the small details that might not register or go undetected by you all. For much is indeed happening already, but it can be deemed as unimportant or even be overlooked completely if you do not open your “new eyes” to it.
And when we say “new eyes”, we mean of course those brand new “sensors” you have all been outfitted with that will enable you to pick up even the faintest traces of this magical change. For now, it is more than a faint whiff of change in the air, it has already started to manifest all around you, in the most unexpected of ways. For remember, mankind has a habit of thinking in very limited ways, and as such, when we say change, you will automatically start to define it in human terms.
But this time, please try to overstep those borders of limitations and open yourselves to the magic that is already HERE, as it is indeed you who have created it, and you are doing so at a steady pace each and every day now. So look around you, and use your whole being to sense that what has been talked about for such a long time is finally BEcoming.

zondag 20 oktober 2013

The Divine Mother: You are the Holy Grail

10-19-13 Universal Mother Mary

Channeled by Linda Dillon, Oct. 19, 2013
Greetings, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of hope, Mother of change, of constancy and consistency. Welcome my beloved ones, my sweet angels of blue and it matters not if you are magenta or topaz, citrine [a color not known on Earth] or amethyst, you are mine. And as I have told you before and I need to emphasize this to each and every one of you, I am yours.
What does this mean? It means that we are braided in and of the heart, the spirit, the umbilical cord that stretches from the heart of One to your heart and has and never will be broken.
Many of you think of the energies that I send you as coming down and descending through the pure rays, the rays of blue, of Blue Diamond, of blue topaz as tanzanite [also not known on Earth - I think!], of every hue and color. And sometimes, dear heart, it is the purest white and at other times it is tinged with pink, but let me be clear, it is all mine and therefore, it is all yours.
Everything that I have ever created, birthed, is yours; the trees, the flowers, the elephants, the dolphins, the whales, the dogs, the cats, the hens, the chickens, the roosters, the goats, the horses, the mountains, the Rockies, Victoria Falls, the quiet lakes and the bustling rivers, the purity of air and each other. Everything I have ever created is yours just as you are mine and I am yours.
There are some of you at times who say, “Oh, I am having difficulty connecting; I do not feel in complete alignment.” In those moments, dear hearts, look around you, look to each other, look to the sky, to the ocean, yes Linda, to the bunnies, and know my energy and my love is in each and every one of these creations I have given you and you have accepted with open hearts.
Your heart is an open chalice; you are the Holy Grail and you are receiving everything I send to thee, whether it is pure light or through the umbilical cord from my heart to yours. Never, well not since the very beginning, and that was eons ago, have you been in such clarity of saying and of such enthusiasm of saying ‘yes’.
You have no idea what that means to a mother’s heart and how much we are celebrating. Our purpose is never, never and forever, never to overwhelm but yes, to implant inspiration, ideas, joy, laughter, sweetness, tenderness, consideration, for yourself and for others whether it is a blade of grass or your sister or brother.
And let me be clear: yes, there is expansion going on in your head, in your brain but there is not one of you who has a tumor or who is looking at premature departure. There is not one of you whose hearts will not heal. There is not one of you whose bodies will not heal. There is not one of you whose financial situation will not heal.
You did not come to live on my planet, Gaia, this planet of such diversity and abundance to live in lack … of any kind.
And now, bright angels, you are seeing this. You are not at the portal, you are through the portal. Celebrate with me and do not worry about those that you may think that you have left behind because they are right behind you. You are wayshower. If you did not jump through first, who would?
You are on your way and tomorrow is now and I am with you. If you have any concerns, fears, trepidation, give it to me, dear heart, give it to Raphael, give it to St. Germaine. Give it away and let it be gone from your very core because there is no room for it in the 7th dimension of love.
There is no room and never has been any room for anything but sweetness within your core. You just became accustomed to living with it because that was the illusion and the false grid of the 3rd. Sweet angels of light, it is not of truth. And you are seeing that now, more clearly than ever before; your eyes, your heart, your being is adjusted.
Now I want you to share this clarity, this expansion of love anchored within your very core. And I ask you to share it, yes, in your Sunday night peace meditation and I ask you to send it to what you would think of as every troubled spot upon the planet: Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, all of Africa, Venezuela, Washington, D.C., you get the idea.
Send it. Perhaps it is to your neighborhood, but keep it going. I ask you to do this not only Sunday night but to continue it for the whole week. The peace has begun to anchor; yes, there are some areas that are a little more petulant than others, it matters not, we know how to deal with petulant children.
And how do we do that? We simply love them until they are laughing and giggling and playing once more.
I am proud of you, sweet ones, and I am with you and you are with me. Go in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon 10-19-13

Aisha North: A History of Creation – Part 5

A History of Creation – Part 5, channeled by Aisha North, October 20, 2013 at
As we have been saying this ocean of creative energy is there waiting for you all to dip into, and when you do, you will find the experience an exhilarating one, for then you will feel at home for the very first time in literally ages, and as such, it will be like coming home after a prolonged walk in the desert.
For you are so thirsty for knowledge, and finally, you stand at the edge of the fountain where every thirst will be quenched as soon as you start to drink from it. We speak in parables again, so let us move on to what you are here for, namely to get a little bit more light on the actual process of creation.
As we have talked about earlier, it is indeed a very complex one, but at the same time an infinitely simple one. The ingredients are few, it is in fact only two, creativity combined from energy and consciousness, and this in turn will be able to create all sorts of things by the same simple process: setting energy into vibration by adding the consciousness by way of energetic imprints that in turn engender All there is. This vibrational force is underestimated by humans, as you tend to see things from a very different perspective. For you want to break down everything into tiny little fragments that can be isolated and as such, you diversify when it is much simpler to quantify by other means.
Vibrational forces are the ones that build everything you see, and even the things you are unable to see. For vibration is what everything IS, and as such, the particles in themselves are merely there to make vibration visible or tangible if you will. For the particles are the ones that makes the friction and friction is indeed a very important part of this whole process, for vibration in itself is simply one side of the equation. You can create a single object if you will, but only when it starts to interact with others, will you create creativity on such a scale, it will begin to BECOME what you want it to be.
For everything has a specified frequency, and only when this set frequency starts to interact with other frequencies, will the result be interesting enough. For there is no such thing as one hand clapping, as everything that there IS needs at least one more thing to be able to BE. It is a bit like the cat in the box again. The box is necessary for the cat to BE, and the cat is necessary for the box to BE as well. And when we say BE, it is as in REASON to be. A simple object is no thing without the observer, but the observer also needs more than one thing to observe in order to create life. For life is the meeting point of all the different frequencies, and it is in fact the exact opposite of the still point. For the still point is where the intake of breath occurs, but the chaos is where the out breath if you will, the Creation, really comes about.
We have mentioned the word chaos before, and we will do so again, for we know the mere word in itself has been imprinted with so much negativity for humans and we ask, have you perhaps stopped to think why that is? Why do you fear chaos and hanker for control in every way? And why is the word control such a huge part of human consciousness? It is this very fact that has served to disconnect humanity from this ocean of creative energy, for when you start to CONTROL things, you literally stop life from forming. For then, it is your mind that is leading the way, and as you all know, a human’s mind is not about expanding freely, it is all about following a set of rules that has been programmed into you by those set on CONTROLLING you.
And so you see, what you have always deemed as negative is the only way to CREATE. It is to let go of control, and let the creative forces that collide every time one frequency clashes into another have the freedom to do just that. And when they do, it all starts to LIVE, and so too will you, as you little by little learn to let go of that old and ingrained habit of trying to stay in control. For control leads to certain death, as it will narrow the field of possibilities every time something new arises, whereas chaos ensures eternal LIFE, for it will only serve to increase the number of possibilities every time something new is created that is allowed to interact with All there is from before.
And so you see, the control mechanism that is so hard for you to let go of, is the one that has led humanity down into an ever narrower corridor, away from the light, whereas now, the chaos will again set you free by removing any remaining walls that still obscures the view. For when you have CONTROL as the main driving force behind you, you will never create anything of true and lasting value. And so, what you need to do, is to create freely without having to set any set standards as to what and how this in itself will interact with the rest of Creation.
Of course, there are limits, and these limits have been set by the vibrational field that governs it all, and as such, nothing will be able to be created that will have a willfully destructive force so that it can create havoc with the rest. And so the forces that are being created will be forces that will interact with everything that has already become in a way that will not only boost so much of what is, but it will also serve to disable those things that are not vital enough to be able to interact with these new frequencies.
Again we have the cycle of creation and destruction, but it is all balanced in such a way that what is begotten will not have any ability to wipe out the rest. For this cycle of creation and destruction will not be allowed to tip into a negative spiral as in more destruction than creation, and as such, you have no need to worry that your endeavours will leave any scars on this whole process. For you are simply not able to do that when you start to sip from this huge ocean of vast and endless possibilities. For what you sip, are the waters of life, and as such, the life force will always come out as an end result.
So take your time and let go of the fear of becoming the destroyer of all, for that is not possible. And if something comes apart because one of your creations starts to interact with its field of harmonics, it is because it is meant to do so. For then, what you have created is far better adapted to bring this whole cycle a step further than what the other part of Creation could do. And so, when the time is right, everything that has at one time been created will cease to be, and it will return to that endless ocean, waiting to BEcome once again, and it in turn will interact with All of Creation in such a way, it will cause other parts of it to become redundant and obsolete and returned to become Source material once again. And so this cycle goes on and on, producing more LIFE from chaos, making light out of the dark void of unknowing, letting new life be born out of it all.

Aisha North: A History of Creation – Part 4

A History of Creation – Part 4, channeled by Aisha North, October 15, 2013 at
This is another one of those message that perhaps will make many a head spin, but we do know that this will not be new knowledge to any of you. In fact this is what has been imprinted within you all from the very beginning not only for this life, but from eternity. For you all share the same blueprint as you all hail from the same ether, and as such, nothing is ”news” to any of you, nor will it be.
But for special reasons, you have been programmed to disable the old memory banks you carry with you, and so, life as a human being began. But now, when you are stepping into your full powers again as true creators, you will be allowed to access it all once again. For what once was considered as a hindrance, will now once again be an asset, as you have managed to rewire yourselves sufficiently to access the higher vibrational spheres from where you once came.
For this is all about vibration, of harmonics, of sound if you will, set up to play a certain tune that will harmonize with everything else that is. For All of Creation is nothing more than an enormous piece of music, all created by separate “notes” put together to play out in dissonance and in consonance, it depends how you look at it. Or rather, listen. For what you SEE is really what you HEAR, in other words that you perceive, is vibration, but these vibrations can take many different shapes and forms, and they can be visual as well as aural. You see, everything is humming its own tune, it is shaking and dancing to its inner harmonics, and these are what make them visible, both to the eye and to other receptors of vibration.
For the sea of possibility can be likened to a sea of tranquility, as it needs to be stirred into action in order to BECOME something. As we said, it can be likened to lighting a match in a dark room in order to see the match, for it is there but it cannot be perceived, and as such it is the observer who puts it all into MOTION. And as soon as it is given momentum, it starts to BE, and then, it can be perceived as a vibration of a specific frequency.
For mass is simply energy defined within a specific frequency, and you as the observer can perceive it because you are able to discern these frequencies. But, as we have touched upon in an earlier message, you are both the receiver but also the transmitter, as you are the creator, and you are the one observing creation. So you give life by sending out a vibration, and you make it come about by observing the effect it has on this sea of possibility that lies dormant if you will until it is touched by you or by anyone else sending out their vibration.
This can in some way be likened to those new three dimensional machines that humans have made now, whereby you send electronic signals into a device that in turn will turn these signals into a tangible, functional object in three dimensions. For creation works in the exact same way. Vibrational information is being projected into a cloud of energetic particles and these particles are then reassembled according to the modular information in these incoming vibrations, and so they form into a certain “shape” or form that these vibrational messages describe.
We can give you another image for it, and that is the image of a drop of water being dropped into a container of liquid, and as the drop hits the surface, the membrane of this liquid, you will see how a new drop is formed and ejected up from this surface. It is not the same drop that hits it, rather a mirror image of it being produced by the volume of liquid that this first drop merges with. So it is with the act of creation. You send out a “droplet” of information, and when it connects with the surface of this sea of particles, a new ”droplet” will be formed and ejected from this sea of energetic soup. So what you put in, you get out, for this is not a random act, this is something that is at all times very specific.
It is not a luck of the draw, where you sit and stare out into space waiting for whatever may be conjured up from your interactions with it all. No, this is all by design, and when you start to interact in a conscious way, you will literally see this for yourself. And this is also the reason why humanity has been bereft of this ability for such a long time. For in order to be allowed to create from this fountain of possibilities, you need to be in harmony with the pervading frequency that rules over it all, the God frequency if you will, the one that can allow, the one that is allowed to beget, and as such, you needed to come a very long way indeed before you were able to tap into this frequency.
For that is what ascension is about, it is all about setting up the modular frequency that your BEing can carry, and as you all know, the lower the frequency, the less ability to interact with the higher ones. And rightly so, as nothing not sufficiently pure, that is, untainted by the lower forms of vibration, can and will be allowed to frequent the higher ones. They cannot interact with this ocean of creative energy, for they are very much in discord with it, and as such, they cannot constitute any threat if you will to this process at all.
But you needed to be purged of these discordant vibrations in order to be able to receive and transmit this new sound of freedom. For as we have told you again and again, you have started to find your voice, and you are starting to use it to sing yourself and so much around you into BEing by the voice that you are able to emit from being able to literally tune into this god-field of frequency.
This frequency is a very specific one, and it is the same frequency that can be detected whenever anyone is able to listen in on the vibration that pervades everything that IS. For everything sings to the same notes, but in addition, they have their own individual tune that they carry, the tune that makes them, or it, a specific separate object from everything else. But in order for it to exist at all, it must comply to that underlying frequency from whence it came, the sea of creative energy, the liquid that formed those separate objects in the first place.
But again, what you will be doing now, is to send out your specified frequency into this malleable energetic ”liquid”, and you will do so with a very specific order in mind. For you will be sending out an order in the form of a vibrational information ”package”, and when this ”package” interacts with this liquid, it will produce a drop, or an object, something tangible that complies to these specific instructions that you have sent out.
It may sound very complicated, and in some ways it is, but the process in itself is literally as easy as child’s play. For what you focus on, will be sent out from you in the form of a very defined vibration that in turn will be picked up as sensory input by this ocean of energetic particles, and the input will be transmitted right back as a mirror image, as a specific output.
Again, this is a simple explanation of the process, but the underlying mechanisms if you will are very complex indeed. For this is not a ”free for all”, an opportunity to create whatever you feel the need for at any given time. Remember, this is a COLLECTIVE process, one where each and every one of you have a designated part. For what you will create, is very much a part of a huge and complex Creation already designed, and as such, the blueprints have been drawn up, and you have all been thoroughly briefed on what part is on your ”to do list”.
This may sound like you are not in control of anything at all, that is not the case, but what it does say, is that this is not something that has been or will be left to chance. You see, you came to BE here at this exact time in order to make this whole process come about, and as such, you are like small pieces in a huge machinery, all set to create a version of humanity and of this planet that can only be likened to what you have seen in your wildest dreams. And the reason you have seen it in your dreams, is because you have already SEEN it come true.
For remember, time is also a malleable thing, and as such, this whole process has already taken place, but for you, it is only just beginning. We hope this will not take away the joy of it all, rather, that it will help you to understand that you cannot go wrong here, for you have already DONE this. But again, this process must take place at this exact time for YOU in order to make it come about for YOU, for you are the ones that will make it happen, and you are the ones who are in control of it all.
For now, you have all been hooked up to this “multi dimensional machine” that will create whatever it is that your consciousness will ask it to create. And remember, as you have already done this, you will not be able to order something to be created that is literally ”out of order”. For you cannot fail, and as such, we will simply ask you to revel in the thought that you will be creating your own dream, and now, that dream will finally become reality. Not only for you, but for everyone else hooked up to this magnificent grid of the NEW.

zondag 13 oktober 2013

A History of Creation – Part 3, channeled by Aisha North,

October 13, 2013 at
As you know, the actions of the atoms are not random, as they have all been preprogrammed to display different characteristics from the outset, and as such, they all behave in their own distinctive manner. Preprogrammed from the outset, so that they can enact the roles they have been given. For this is indeed the true secret behind the seeming appearance of mass, for mass is nothing but a shimmering haze of particles coalescing in such a way, they seem to conform into a solid object.
But they are not, neither are you, as you are also composed of different units of these ever busy little carriers of light and energy, all working together in unison to form a thing called ”Aisha” or ”Peter” or what have you. They are also busy at work forming objects such as ”stone” or ”chair” or ”tree”, and every thing you can care to label, and then some.
And so it is with everything, as nothing is by chance, and everything has been programmed to act in a certain way. Yes, it is indeed the ”god in the machine” we are talking about here, the force behind the so-called natural forces, the force behind the so-called laws of physics, and everything else also. For it all comes back to one single thing, the one single operator if you will, the governing force behind it all, namely that distinctive voice of the creator. And, as you know, you too are a part of this voice, just like you are a product of it, so again you have the duality that this whole Creation rests upon.
So let us just continue a little bit about the other sides of this Creation. As we were saying, it is all governed by one single voice, a voice that is taking on an infinite number of voices, as it can be broken down in to every single component, or rather fraction, of what it has created. This may sound like the recipe for chaos, but it is indeed the one and only recipe for creation.
For everything needs to be able to communicate with everything else, and as such, this is indeed a heavenly choir of voices, all calling to each other, divulging their secrets. Because there are no secrets in Creation, for every single particle, every single fraction of it, is privy to what everyone else is doing. So too, are you, or rather, the single minuscule particles that together form what you refer to as YOU, or rather, your physical vehicle. For this physical vehicle, this actual, tangible part of you that has been constructed by these pieces of that sea of possibility, all of those single entities are behaving both as singular specimens, but also as one coherent object.
So you are in fact walking inside a cloud of single minded entities, coalescing to form a single minded being, and as such, you can perhaps give a thought to the fact that you do not disintegrate into those single units at any given time. Well, let us just say that you do that at regular intervals, but that will be for another occasion, and we will indeed return to this subject once again.
Back to the main story, for we were indeed discussing the duality here, the fractions that creates the friction, the building blocks versus the creator, the voice that makes the bidding, and the matter that is the end result. For you are indeed both, as you are walking within this matter, this body, this vehicle of flesh, while at the same time you are the voice, the bidder, the one that has made it all come about. So you see, you are the walking, talking, living proof of creation, and you are here to show this to the rest of this world’s inhabitants.
As we were saying, you are indeed the living, breathing example of this duality, the duality that is needed to create the necessary friction in order to create. For creation is what happens when to different sides collide, and in this case, it is energy and consciousness. And just like the mollusk needs the humble grain of sand to create the pearl, the ghost of consciousness needs to rub against the slightly less intangible form of energy in order to create mass.
And so you are both, you are that voice, the whisper, that insistent voice speaking out to become from the sea of possibility, but you are also that being created from this sea of possibility, by millions upon millions of obedient particles coming together to form themselves, but also to form a whole wherein you can reside.
So you are a vital and living part of this magic in every way, but you are also the magic, and you are the one that makes this magic happen. And now, it has come to be that you will be asked to share this secret with the rest of the creator gods that walk unwittingly around on this planet alongside you. For as we said earlier, you have been let in on the secret already, but so many others have not, but soon they will, and then this will all take a whole new turn as they all start from scratch all over again by recreating themselves as you have done. And through that, greatly abetting the re-creation of this whole planet.
For as we said, this is a grand cycle of creation and destruction, of putting together and pulling apart again, and now, the time for a complete dismantling of all of the old and outdated models is rapidly approaching. It may sound dramatic, and of course it is too, but it is all a part of the ongoing upgrading that everything, and we do mean everything under the Sun and beyond is constantly re-enacting. For this is all about evolving, growing, and developing by way of learning, and as soon as ”this year’s model” turns out to be obsolete, it will indeed be replaced by a new one with more potential.
And no, we do not mean that as in a mass destruction or a complete wipe out of a whole mass of humanity, We simply refer to those particles of yours, the billions upon billions that have served you all so well, but who now are being replaced at an increasingly rapid rate. For you are indeed becoming new by being completely remodeled from the inside out, particle by particle, atom by atom, single cell by single cell. For they are not replaced by mere copies of themselves, no, they are being replaced by far more advanced copies of themselves, and as such, you are becoming something very new, something hitherto not created, and so, you are turning into a brand new species before our – and your – very eyes, and we do envy you all the chance to be the center of all of this.
For you are the ones becoming the new, the untouched, the untried, the virgin territory if you will of uncounted possibilities. And you are all set to thrive in every way in this brand new energetic environment that has been put into place in order to make your living condition as these brand new beings optimal. For you are merely the first ones of a veritable army of a brand new species, humanity vol 2:0 if you will, the ones that have been accumulated anew in order to make this whole environment become new.
For you are here to play out the games of peace, the ones that will give new light to the word learning to live from love. For this is not what you have been made accustomed to in your old form. For then, it was all about learning by living under a superimposed yoke of fear, a yoke that now has been dismantled to the point that it has lost its powers over you.
And so, we invite you all to sit down and get reconnected with the brand new you, for trust us when we say, there is not one single part of you that has not been dismantled and resurrected in such a way, you will need some time to really and truly feel completely at home again.
For remember, it is YOU, the voice of consciousness, the creator that has whispered him or herself into being by asking the sea of possibilities to set you up with this formidable vehicle, and it is you also who has asked for this new chance to re-educate yourself by being outfitted with this brand new vehicle in which to do so. So in that way, you are the creator of yourself, but you are also a house guest, and as such, we ask you to treat yourself with the utmost of respect, for you certainly deserve it, every single little fraction of you.

vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

Aisha North: A History of Creation – Part 2

A History of Creation – Part 2, channeled by Aisha North, October 9, 2013 at
So let us delve further into this mysterious world behind the veil, for we gather you are starting to get more than a little curious about some of those tantalizing details. The last time, we showed you that the essence of it all is in creating, or the energy that has been given the task of creating it all, from big and small, tangible and less so. This in itself can be very difficult to fathom, but let us again try to give you another view and perhaps this will make things percolate even deeper into your being.
For you are indeed an intrinsic part of it all, but the construction of everything is still a mystery to you and to everyone else sharing this little planet with you. You are just a speck of dust in so many ways, but this small speck of dust is also a very complex structure, connected and separated in so many different ways and different levels. For what you see as humanity, we see as just one separate layer of a huge mass of something far more complex than even the complex structure of the human body.
That in itself is indeed a construction worthy several volumes of dissemination, but let us let that rest for now. For what we are wanting to delve into, is the complexity, or rather simplicity, behind the scenes, as they are even more fantastic than the tangible results you see, feel and hear on your side of the veil.
As we have already talked about, everything is indeed energy, energy in different tones or forms of vibration, a shimmering haze of light that seems solid one moment, and invisible the next. But it is indeed the same thing all over, but it has been programmed to behave and be perceived in certain ways. Remember, the object does not exist unless there is an observer, that is the fundamental rule here. Like in the famous cat-tale that is still a staple for all of your trained scientists (Schrödinger’s cat). Is the cat dead or alive, or indeed both? No one knows, because you have to be able to observe it in order to decide the fate of the cat.
So too it is with everything, and your scientists have started to literally see this for themselves too. True, they are merely scratching into the surface, for they look at the separate particles, and they have already discovered that famous entangled particles scenario. Big news indeed, but one that gets lost in all of the hubbub of everyday ”news” .
For what does this entail? It means that everything is indeed entangled, and we are not only talking about separate, or rather pairs of particles that are entangled thus. No, we speak of All of creation. For everything that is around you is behaving in the same manner as this duo of entangled particles. In other words, every time one part is observed, it starts to BE and it automatically makes everything else fall into step with it. In other words, this Creation is flickering and shimmering and evolving and adapting every time someone consciously SEES what is going on.
And so it is like switching on a switch, enabling a whole set of ”reality” to start to play out. In other words, this is quantum physics, or rather, quantum reality, all over again. For you live in a quantum soup of energy, and ALL that you see is part of the same soup. In itself, it all has the same origin, or rather, all the components are identical from the outset, like pieces of building blocks, all composed of the same material. But as soon as consciousness enters the picture, it literally creates a whole new picture.
In other words, nothing truly exists at all, it is just energy in the form of particles, like a haze of shimmering light, ready to coalesce into shapes and forms, into beings and planets, into inert objects as well as more vital ones. Just remember, when we say ”inert” they are no more nor no less ”animated” than anything else. Because a rock does not move around, it is no less ”alive” than a human being, for you are all the same. We know this will be hard to truly digest, but you are indeed beginning to get the gist of it. For what separates you from us, from a planet, from God, from the heavens above or the deep waters below? Just one thing, and that is simply the eye of the observer, or rather the consciousness that you are but a single part of.
For God is creative energy, but it is also consciousness, for without the one, the other would not be. Pure energy is nothing more than energy, it needs consciousness to be created. For creation and creating are two sides of the same coin, but they are indeed opposites and as such, this duality is the origin of all. SOMEONE needs to see or rather observe for Creation to BE, and that is the whole basis for Creation. The two faces of God, if you will: energy and creativity, mind making matter from its other part, the energy. And this is what we want to impart to you.
You are, because your consciousness have made you thus, and your consciousness is only a small part of the ONE, the basis, the grounding of it all. For you are merely a speck on a huge tapestry of creativity, all things that have been made to be because God made them. You are consciousness, but you are consciousness made visible because it made you from the ethers of energy, those hovering particles ready and waiting to be made anew time and time again. For this is like a tabula rasa, a sea of IFs wanting to BECOME by being looked upon, by being observed, by being thought into being, by being created by a force of vitality, a consciousness, that silent observer that observes it all.
You are a part of this, but only a small part, so what you make, is merely a small drop in the ocean. But you are also God, so does that make you all powerful, in other words, can you change the world? The answer is of course YES, but it is also NO. It is YES, for you can recreate YOURSELF. And through that, you are recreating your world. But you cannot recreate ALL of Creation. Or rather, you cannot switch everything off and start anew, for that is not in your powers alone.
For this is also a huge lesson in co-creating, in separation in order to make a whole out of separate units. Just one BEing can do as he pleases, he (or she) or let us just use the word God in order to lessen confusion. So if you are God, you are the ONE, the Creator, the single observer that sets everything into motion. But that is merely the first step. The next step is this: make separation, so that each single particle needs to work in tandem with everyone else in order to create.
In other words, creativity needs to be as diverse as possible, and this diversity can only come from separation, or duality, or multiplicity – the list of words are endless, but the fundamental truth is this: to ensure the largest possible number of variations, separation needs to be established first. Then and only then will the optimal conditions for creating become valid. You need as many different factors – or fractions – as possible in order to get a whole spectrum of different possibilities, and that was the first task of Creator. And so, separation was set into motion – the Big Bang if you will, and everything started from there.
Let us add another interesting layer to this: when you humans talk of the Big Bang, you refer to the origin of your universe, but when we talk of the Big Bang, we talk of the origin of everything. In other words, the FIRST Big Bang, the one that preceded it all. For we are talking about the origin of everything, not just that primordial soup that was the inception of what later developed into your universe and your ”reality”, no, we are referring to ALL of Creation.
And as such, it all started the same way, as one single pinprick of energy, of light, that consciousness set into motion by observing it and by setting up parameters for it to BECOME something. It was like setting alight a match in order to see it in the dark, for before it was ignited by consciousness, it was not visible. It WAS, but it was not observed, and as such, it WAS NOT. But it became ALL as soon as consciousness entered and started to observe, and by observing started to create, and as such, the mind begat matter from energy. But remember, matter is a mere figment of imagination, it is merely energy coalescing into something that can be OBSERVED.
So again we say, let your mind set you free, for your mind is only holding you back by trying to see what it cannot see. Or rather, it is holding you back because it wants to see what it already can see, and so it overlooks everything else. But it is there already, ready to be observed by you, just like it is observed by God. So open your eyes and let your mind take a break, and try to connect with that part of God that is the real you, and then, and only then, will everything come into BEing before you.

Aisha North: A History of Creation – Part 1

A History of Creation – Part 1, channeled by Aisha North, October 8, 2013 at
Dear friends!
Last week, I started to receive what the CCs refer to as “double helpings”, extra messages in addition to The Manuscript.
These messages differ from the usual ones, and the first one that I was guided to post, was the “update” to the sixth Gathering. I was told that the rest of this information was to be posted after the Gathering, and here is the first installment of it.
The CCs have given them a title, they call it “A History of Creation”. I do not know how many parts there will be, nor how long The manuscript will continue. All I know is that I will be given “double helpings” for a while. So without further ado, as the CCs like to say, here is Part 1:
So let us begin this narrative by focusing on a field that we know you hold close to your heart, namely the origin of the atom, or rather, the origin of mass. For mass is nothing but energy, and that is a concept that has been misunderstood in so many ways through the history of mankind. These small particles of energy in motion did not find their way into human consciousness for a very long time because they cannot be seen, cannot be perceived, and as such, it took you all a very long time before you even noticed them all about you.
But now, as you are becoming well versed in the properties of these energetic building stones of life, we are going to take you all even further. For you have searched and searched for that elusive little particle you call the Higgs Boson, and even if you seem to have found traces of it, there is still so much that you fail to comprehend. That is understandable, for much of what is the real driving force behind all of this, is invisible, not only to the human eye, but also to all of the technical equipment you have developed so far. But what if we say that you will be able to see it with your naked eye, and the reason for this, is indeed the faculties that have been implanted into your brain during these last intense upgradings.
As we have often stated, mankind lives within a very narrow box, where the so-called laws of nature are determined as constant and unchangeable. Well, let us just say welcome to the brand new world, where nothing can be deemed as unchangeable ever again. For matter is energy and energy is always malleable, and when you start to access the levels that all of us are frequenting, you will see just how malleable it all is.
Nothing is constant and nothing lasts forever, or rather, everything constantly IS, but in a changeable state that is flicking on and off at a speed far, far surpassing the so-called speed of light. Let us just add that the speed of light is nothing like you have clocked it in at. Or rather, according to your measuring capabilites, it is just that, but that is because you cannot see how the light particles really move.
At times, they seem to stand still, but then suddenly, they make what can only be defined as a quantum leap. So you are in between these states of NOW and FOREVER, and between them, everything is passing back and forth, like small energetic packages of information, constantly talking to each other, constantly changing and morphing and evolving.
It is like a blip on the screen, and then it is gone, only to reappear at a completely different set of coordinates in space. So perhaps this will start to give you a small insight on how we are able to be in your vicinity while not here at all? And why we can see you clearly, but you cannot see us. As we have said on more than one occasion, all of space is so crowded, that if everything was visible at the same time, you would not find a way to move.
Or rather, you would feel as if every single molecule of space is filled with something, and therefore, what comprises you, also comprises so much else, and it would be hard to find a way to navigate through this soup of energy. For this is indeed the case, as what you see, is only a wafer thin layer of ALL that is. For all that is, is all occupying the same space, but you are all confined to a single layer of an uncounted number of layers all occupying the same space.
So what you may refer to as endless space, as in a huge distance if measured in metres or even light years, is actually much, much smaller, at least when you measure in your forms of length and width. But if you measure it our way, it is actually an immensely compact sphere of ”reality” all packed together within very, very little space. But spread out within this sphere is an infinite number of layers.
We know this will be hard wrap your heads around, but if you think that when you look out into the night sky, you see everything as if it is far, far away. But what if we tell you that all you need to do to connect with all of this, is to literally reach out your hand and touch it? For it is not far away, it is HERE, but it is superimposed on a layer so that it will seem an infinite distance from you. You are space as well, but you are already IN space, and space is a measurable quantity.
For space is ENERGY, not distance, and as such, it can be made to LOOK distanced from you, but it is not that. For space equals energy equals a morphogenic field. In other words, space is nothing but a defined quantity of energy occupying the smallest available space. For energy does not need space to BE, it just IS, no matter how large or how small it appears to the human eyes and indeed brain. So next time your scientists talks about the immensity of space, think rather about the infinite possibilites of space, and know that you can access every single part of it from the very comfort of your home ;–)
Everything is indeed energy, but the illusion that it creates, is that there is such a thing as mass. For when you have mass, you need space in which to contain it. But energy does not need any space at all, it just IS. Hence the origin of the big bang. It started out from a pinprick, a mere speck, all in one dimension, or rather non-dimension, and then it started to unveil from there. But it is all just an illusion, a semblance of something tangible with width, depth, height and so on, and then every single object is put into context with all of these other imaginary objects, creating Creation. After all, it lies in the name, does it not? For it is all CREATED, it is all created from energy, but it is all an illusion, something that can be changed and morphed and moved about at will.
And who creates all of this, who is God? God is creation, it is the will of this whole energy, the sole purpose, or rather, the SOUL purpose. It is there to BE, it is an energy that is to BE, to BE in every way imaginable, and then some. It is creating at all times, for that is what it IS. It is creating in all dimensions and in all states, it is malleable and living, it is you, and you are it, and together, it is everything. It is the one single source, the god essence, the living entity, the ALL, the breath, the sound, the touch, the fear, the anger, the joy, the love, the hatred, it IS all that, and more. It is here to simply be, and it wants to BE everything. And so, it lives and it creates, for creation is what it is all about.
And who are you? You are IT too, in one defined form, but now, that form is being shifted and shaped into a brand new you. Yes, we know this word is offensive, but this is ALL a game, whether you ”live” on planet Earth or anywhere else, for we are all players in the same game, we are all equal, and we are here to BE just that little defined part of it all. It is like tasting different tastes, or looking at different colors, trying out different clothes or sexes, or sizes or what have you. It is just about creating as many varieties as possible, all connected within this infinitesimally small bubble labeled All of Creation.
It is not huge, but it is endless. It does not take up any more space than a single particle of a single atom, yet, it covers everything, because it encompasses everything that you can imagine, and then some. But it is all an illusion, indeed a sort of hologram, but a living, breathing hologram, all put together for the enjoyment of itself. And you are a part of this, for this is you just as much as it is me or anyone else. I am you, and you are me, and we are you, and you are us, and together, we are IT, the essence, the living, breathing organism that is just ONE. One single point of light, creating itself again and again into EVERYTHING.
So lest you should think your mind is going off the rails, it is not, you are simply being connected to the ONE again, and so you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt just who you are. You are EVERYTHING, yet you are one single person. You are here, and you ARE, yet still, you are not. This is all a game, this is all about setting into motion things and beings that will CREATE themselves, by making them come about and then setting them all up to interact in a way that enlarges the possibilities a hundredfold. For this is all a quantum field of possibilities, and Creation must strive to try them all, and so, all of this is also a huge part of this game.
For you are in the middle of a game-change, you are being put through a very different sort of experience, whereas you are being transformed from one sort of player to a very different one, all amidst the old set up. And not all of the players are going through the same changes, as this will also heighten the number of variables once again. It may sound callous, but as you already know, it is nothing short of magical.
And what will the outcome of all of this be? Well, let us just say Heaven knows. Or rather, the odds are high indeed that this planet will make an abrupt about turn to a sphere of vibration it has not yet been. In other words, the taste or the flavour is already changing, and it is changing into something that will be infinitely more palatable to the majority of beings gathered here.
For even if this is indeed an illusion, it is one where every single player is a conscious part of it, and even if not one of them have the full picture, still, they are very much an intrinsic part of this. We think you will find that in the time ahead, you will see glimpses of the behind the scenes work in a very different way than before, because now you KNOW, and you will start to see through is very, very thin layer of ”reality”, and you will start to see the other ones behind them. But again, they are no more ”real” than this one, but still they are all a part of this plan. And now, the plan is to converge these hitherto separate planes and create something very new.
It is about CREATING, it is about energy wanting to BE EVERYTHING, and that is what it is doing. It is being you, it is being a tree, it is being water, ice, fire and everything in between. It is being a smell, it is being a sound, it is being both at the same time for that matter. So rest your minds now, and let yourself be as free as you can, and enjoy the ride!

woensdag 9 oktober 2013

Master Lanto via Fran Zepeda: You are Glowing Orbs of Light

Master Lanto: You are Glowing Orbs of Light, Channeled by Fran Zepeda, October 8, 2013 at:
Hello dear friends – the Light of all Creation and Love that you are.  I speak today about energy, about light, and about the radiant quality of it. By now you are increasing your radiance tenfold with each breath you take, with each surrender to the energies that are impinging upon you for the good and love of all.
By all means you are not alone. Thousands and millions of you take part in this grand awakening – human, celestial and galactic. And let it be known that you are all such an integral part, for you are all a piece of Creator, filled with the full magnificence and abundance of Creator.
And with that you can create all you need, all you want and all that is necessary. Let no one tell you differently. There is no formula. There is no creed. There is no waiting around for a specific event; you are doing it now, sweet ones. You carry the torch. You are the link. You are the substance of the light that is carrying everything forward into this new world of Abundance and Light and Love that only you can perceive in your own capacity.
For this moment, I would like to take a little “trip” with you. Abandon all resistance. Abandon all perceptions you hold that would not allow you to perceive that you are such glowing orbs of light, now, here, in this moment. Enhance this glow with your connection with your HeartLove. Enhance this glow with your acceptance of yourselves as glowing orbs of light capable of affecting everything around you, and everything within you, and everything of such magnitude that is capable of transforming your world in this instance with just a flick of your imagination.
For now you may seem and feel solid and fixed in this world you find yourselves in, with so many distractions and so many pulls to old ways of doing things. But we see you adapting every minute to the perception of yourselves as full and complete Light Bodies of the substance of Creator, filled with the Radiance and Abundance and Glow that you could never imagine the full magnitude of. But suffice to say that it is beyond your dreams and your visions based on what you have perceived in the past.
You are not solid and fixed; you are fluid and majestically alive, teaming with glowing particles of light and that build upon themselves with each breath you take, dear ones. Remember this, as you begin to allow the remembrance of your true substance, of your true form. You are glowing orbs of light filled with the potential of a thousand droplets of pure gold capable of spreading throughout your body with the warmth and glow of liquid gold. Get used to this sensation, as it will allow you to flow and meld into your new reality.
Take nothing as solid. See everything as fluid and moving and capable of molding and transforming into anything you need and want. Get used to the idea that you direct it from inside and do not wait for anything to appear on its own in your reality. See it as all capable coming from your Light Essence, dear ones.
This may be a strange and difficult concept to grasp as you are so used to seeing your world as solid and fixed unless something comes from the outside to change it. But just as your Light Bodies are becoming more crystalline and fluid, so is your world. It is time to take away the constructs you hold as true and fixed and start to see objects and things as fluid movement and between the molecules, so to speak. This opens up your acceptance to allowing complete fluidity and movement in everything within and around you.
Here is an exercise that will help you with this: Look at an object before you and ask your mind to define it. This is how you see it based on your past conceptualizing of its nature. Now ask your heart to look at it, to experience it. Ask to see it as fluid and from the perspective of light rays running through it and around it. For all intents and purposes, it is still that object, held in place by your perception based on your mind telling you what it is. But if you look at it from the standpoint of light, it can begin to take on an entirely different presence. Now fill it with love from your Heart of Creator and see it begin to dance with light. See the glow around it, seeing it in an entirely new light.
This is an exercise you can use with anything – emotions, ideas, issues and fears, including your perceptions of yourselves as Light Beings versus being solid matter. It will prepare you for the shifts that are occurring for you, to let go of the old constructs and perceptions of yourselves and your place in the world.
For now, play with this and feel yourselves becoming lighter and to welcome new perceptions of what things are and what they are made of. For now, just get used to seeing the Lightness in everything, and feeling the Lightness in your bodies as you begin to let go of the concept of yourselves as solid matter in a fixed position in space.
Feel the Radiance and the Love within you grow and expand with each breath you take and begin to see what it does for your perception of things around you. For you are learning about the connection of all things and of the creation of all things that only exist by the virtue of your heart’s intent and perception.
Allow yourselves to absorb this and play with it as a possibility and a potential without allowing your mind to define it. Just experience it, dear ones, and you are well on your way to transforming yourselves and your environment into a model of clear and perceptible light taking on all the hues and colors of higher dimensions into which you are now stepping.
Dear ones, I leave you now with these thoughts to guide you into a new perception of what and who you really are, glowing orbs of light particles capable of transforming everything around you with the intent and letting go it requires. For it is your perception of your True Self that will bring you forward into a world of so many possibilities with the mere intent of what you want to make of your world, allowed by your surrender to the possibilities of something entirely different and magical. For you are the creators and instigators of a New World. You are creating it now.
I AM Master Lanto and I bow to you in your glowing luminescence.